W ostatnich tygodniach portal informacyjny Bite Back otrzymał anonimowe informacje na temat kolejnych stron internetowych, które padły ofiarami haktywistów z ALF, poniżej kopiujemy zawartość obu komunikatów.
“For women who love hunting, fishing, and the great outdoors”
CMS wordpress 4.9.8
*******ALEXA Rank*************************************
Animal Liberation has no border
Until every cage is empty”
Animal Liberation Front – websites hacked –
— https://www.discountafricanhunts.com/ — (Discount African Hunts)
-dump : members list – email/login/pass…
lien pastebin: https://pastebin.com/vdBT3hYz
lien details: https://pastebin.com/0HGEWEvV
— http://ancgg.org (Association Nationale des Chasseurs de Grand Gibier)
– deface: https://mirror-h.org/zone/1908943/
– dump : * Members list – Email/Name/surname/profession/phone
lien pastebin: https://pastebin.com/StAVK1Ws
* Users list – Email/login/pass/name/surname
lien pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YJj5ztC3
login: [. . .]
Pass: [. . .]
— http://prohuntingnamibia.com/ ==> website DOWN (Pro-Hunting Namibia)
CMS WordPress:
login: [. . .]
pass: [. . .]
— https://ahuntinglease.org/ (American Hunting Lease Association)
-dump members : https://pastebin.com/5GtLMeBa
-dump detail + login/pass: https://pastebin.com/6RbBrx00